If you have made the right choice of using OrangeHRM as the HR solution for your company, here is your chance to step forward along with us. We are ready to guide you along our pathway of OrangeHRM Training and produce qualified OrangeHRM users. Our training enables users to manipulate the software effectively and conveniently, which in turn increases employee productivity. Qualified users will ensure the optimized use of OrangeHRM. The OrangeHRM marketing team is running a promotion for the certification program offering a huge discount until the 30th of September 2011. Our standard training course fee is $450 and the examination fee is $500, subscribe before the 30th of December and follow the complete online training program for $250 and register for the online examination at just another $250. This is a saving of $450 and an investment that will add vast returns to individuals and organizations. The certification also bears international recognition. So hurry up! Don't miss this special offer! Contact our sales@orangehrm.com today.